Saturday 1 October 2011

Mirror Luvos

Take a picture of a mirror with you in it of course and even with your friends ! You can do this anywhere , in the bathroom , in your bedroom , in the elevator anywhere with a mirror!!

How to take good mirror photos and poses:

  1. 1. If you must use a flash, hold your camera far away from your body. This will minimize the amount of white light you see obstructing your body.
    2. If you don't use a flash, hold your camera very still to avoid blurriness.
    3. Hold your camera at an angle above yourself. Holding it below your eye level will make the bottom half of your body look bigger.
    4. Make sure your room is nice and light, without shining a light right on your face. You don't want harsh shadows.
    5. Emphasize your eyes with makeup. Make sure your face and hair is clean because grease and oil is emphasized in photos.
    6. Be careful of reflections, and of what you have in the background.

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